Friday, January 21, 2011


chance to change??

whoottt whoottt!!

kalau i bagi you peluang you nak?*2.29a.m/21/01/11

shit! what should i do? should i ??
ok. extremely hard to make decision kan?
according to my previous blog that i never love you back.

totally sick!
salah sapa? sapa yang nak bertanggungjawab.?
either me or you?
yeaahh. life is so complicated right??

my dad penah cakap:
"amy,selagi amy muda.selagi amy boleh rasa cinta.tak salah kalau amy bercinta.
tapi ayah nak pesan, kalau nak bercinta.please make sure that you can give all the women want.kalau setakat keluar berdating naik public transport.  sometime member hantar. duit pon ngam ngam. stop it. study sampai habis then baru cari the best women untuk amy ok?
be a gentleman.! "

kenapa ayah tak pesan dulu lagi?
kenapa dah after 7-8 month amy couple baru nak bagi tahu??
and kenapa aku tak terfikir mende ni awal awal ea?
ok dulu kepala pon fikir seronok nak bercinta kan??

sampai my mom plak cakap:
"amy. amy bercinta ibu tak halang. ibu suka. tapi tanggungjawab kat girlfriend,
mana tanggugjawab kat ALLAH? kat ibu ayah?kat adik beradik"??

ya ALLAH. selama aku couple, tanggungjawab aku kat dorang aku habis kan kat gf.
banyak aku berdosa kan? bila fikir fikir balik. betol jugak. agak tersentap jugak time tu.
phheewww =.="

ok.back to the sms.
seriously i want you back!
tipu la kalau i cakap yang i tak rindu you, tak sayang you kan?
tapi...let's the past be over.
i'm stick to my words."once we are break. i never try to feel the sweetest love back."
apa nak buat. dah ini takdir kita kan?haha.
be a professional ye sayang?? kita bukan tak boleh contact kan?
cuma tak semanis dulu still contact and..why not we are going to be a good friends kan?
i nak cubit pipi kembong you boleh??tunggu laa nanti. you tido i curik2 cubit!
i will grip your head!then sekeh byk2 kali.hahaha.

take care. i'm always be there for you. 
i love you.

*hug and kiss*

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